I can't help it, I'm excited . . .

About school! Can you believe it? I'm really, truly enjoying it. I went to psychology class today, and I always feel like I learn so much. My professor is great, and makes everything so interesting. I am behind on my Medical Terminology though, and I need to get to it!

I already have my classes planned out for the next two semesters. This fall, it's CNA (certified Nurses Assistant.) It's only 2 hours a day, and my sister will be here with the boys--Jewel will be in school. The clinicals I'll have to do the last few weeks, once a week, will seriously be at 4 in the morning, and til about 7:30, so my kids won't even be awake! In the spring, I think I will be doing the math class (The horror!) and taking the EMT course. My friend Amy, who has been an EMT for years, encouraged me to do it, and I must confess, I'm very excited! I'd do it this fall, but CNA is already a pretty big class to handle.

Now, if I could just finish editing my book already . . . (insert rolling eye smiley here__)


Trina said…
I'm so glad you came up last weekend. You're family has grown so much and are so cute! I think it's great you're so excited about school. The CNA certificate is great to get! Hopefully we'll get to see you when we're down there at the end of the month camping!
Yeah, yeah, books and school... and family! Wow, that's a lot to handle. You're doing great, Lainie!

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