It's been waaaay too long . . .

. . . and I'm up way too late! But with this pregnancy, nothing I does gets me to sleep peacefully at night. My belly is very big now, and moving from side to side is a big deal, I have to hold my belly and move it along!

For those of you who don't know, we're expecting baby #4 at the end of February! It's a GIRL!! Jewel has been beside herself with excitement over finally having a sister (although she loves her brothers dearly!) Nathan merely said, "I knew it was a girl!" And he did. The morning I found out I was pregnant--and still reeling fro, the shock--I had only told Chris. I was walking down the hall and Nathan came up behind me. He said, "Mom, when are we going to have our baby girl?" My mouth just dropped open and I didn't know what to say! I gathered my wits enough to say "I . . . don't know, I guess we'll just have to see." It satisfied his 5 year old self, but I was blown away. Later in the pregnangy, he told me a couple of times that he had talked to the baby, and it was a girl. So . . . there you have it, folks! Out of the mouth of babes.

I had been absolutely CERTAIN that Jordan was a girl, and truly shocked when it was proven QUITE well that he wasn't! Chris and I have joked that knowing Jordan, our independent, stubborn, crazy boy, he probably shoved his way in front of his sister at the last minute. It will be interesting to see if she has anything to say to him about this when she arrives!

We had a wonderful Christmas, but I am honestly glad that the Christmas vacation is almost over! School starts for Jewel and Nathan on Monday, and my first class is on Wednesday. With how tired I've been feeling lately, I've worried slightly about school, but I always enjoy it sooo much! So I guess we will make it though this semester the same way we did with the others!


Naomi Wilson said…
Always good to hear about things and the photo is great! Can't wait to see you guys again.
Melinda Costa said…
Great blog girl...good to see you doing it again.
Trina said…
Yeah an update! It's great to hear from your family. I hope you keep your new years resolution :) I'm feeling pretty well. I found out Wednesday if we're having a boy or girl :) I'll put it on facebook and my blog. Keep us posted with your pregnancy are you delivering in Provo?
Tia said…
Yay! I did keep checking your blog for a while, but since you never posted I gave up... So I'm glad to see that you're at it again! Good luck with school and the kiddos, see you next week!

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