
Showing posts from July, 2008

Jordan in the ER

And you think I'm finally going to write about the ER visit I eluded to a couple of weeks ago? I will, but he was in there again on Tuesday. My poor baby. The first visit was because Nathan got into the Spray N' Wash, and thinking it was water, squirted poor Jordan in the face and eyes . I missed it while I was doing laundry, and when I saw Nathan playing with it, I took it right away, and while Jordan's hair was slightly damp in places, his face was fine. He also acted fine for hours, then started crying and wouldn't stop. I also noticed he wouldn't open his eyes! I called poison control first, and they agreed I should take him in (I'd tried rinsing his eyes out earlier, but it didn't seem to help.) It took forever, but I finally got in there (Jordan was running around the waiting room the whole time) and they squirted some stuff in there to check the eyes--the doctor said he could see a slight infection, but that it would be gone by morning. And it was...

I can't help it, I'm excited . . .

About school! Can you believe it? I'm really, truly enjoying it. I went to psychology class today, and I always feel like I learn so much. My professor is great, and makes everything so interesting. I am behind on my Medical Terminology though, and I need to get to it! I already have my classes planned out for the next two semesters. This fall, it's CNA (certified Nurses Assistant.) It's only 2 hours a day, and my sister will be here with the boys--Jewel will be in school. The clinicals I'll have to do the last few weeks, once a week, will seriously be at 4 in the morning, and til about 7:30, so my kids won't even be awake! In the spring, I think I will be doing the math class (The horror!) and taking the EMT course. My friend Amy, who has been an EMT for years, encouraged me to do it, and I must confess, I'm very excited! I'd do it this fall, but CNA is already a pretty big class to handle. Now, if I could just finish editing my book already . . . (insert r...

Happy Independence Day!

I hope all of you are having a happy 4th! We're at home resting now, but everyone was up bright and early to get ready for the parade this morning. Jewel was part of a young cheerleading group, and had to be ready and lined up by 9! (Sorry the pictures aren't very clear, I forgot to charge my battery!) Nathan and Jordan had a blast chasing after candy in the parade. Jordan, and my nephew, Lucas, who's a few months older, kept trying to run off down the street. One time they managed to move so quickly and unexpectedly that they got quite far before Chris corraled both of them! It was hilarious to see him running after Lucas, with Jordan already under one arm. Nathan loved seeing all the old cars and fancy cars in the parade, and begged Chris to bring him over to the one side of the park to see them. I watched him and he was very serious and interested as he looked at them. :-) We spent quite a while at the park, the kids got their faces painted by my good friend, Sonja. The...