
Showing posts from August, 2008

School, school, and more school!

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I've written on here! After finals I was content to do practically nothing for a couple of weeks, then school started again! Jewel started the day before me and loves it so much she commented on how she wished she could just live there! I have school every day from 1--3pm. It's my CNA class. The teacher is actually a nurse that was with me when I delivered Jewel, I had known her through my CNM's office (certified nurse midwife) and she stayed 2 hours after her shift to be with me. When I heard the name of the teacher, Linda, I was like hmm , what are the odds??? I haven't seen her since then, but always remembered her fondly. Then I walk in and there she is! It's a lot of fun but somewhat exhausting to be there every day! Chris almost has the basement finished! He re-did the shower and floor in the bathroom down there, and put in cabinets and shelves. The carpet should hopefully be going in on Monday. Natha...