
Showing posts from June, 2008


So I finally made my yearly trip to Lagoon! For those of you who don't know it's a theme park up in Salt Lake City with the craziest rides! I absolutely love it, I get to play all day long! (Here's the website if you want to look at it: yes I've ridden all those rides!) I went with my mother and sisters, and Chris' cousin, Amber, who is an absolute doll. We had a lot of fun, but it was sooo hot! The lines weren't too bad, but yeah, we did get tired of waiting so much! We stayed in a nice hotel that night so we wouldn't have to drive all the way home that night (it's 3 hours away.) We got home yesterday morning just in time for me to go to church and teach my young women's class. I did a lesson on faith, and crumbled chocolate cookie crumbs into a plant to make it look like dirt. Then I asked one of them to taste it for me. She wouldn't for a couple of minutes then finally relented. I was doing a lesson on faith, and I had to s...

Psychology--state of mind?

I actually like my psychology class--I do. But today, I just couldn't stay awake! We were studying the senses (sight, hearing, touch, etc.) and I literally fell asleep trying to read the chapter before class. I drug myself out the door and over to the college in time to get a bag of peanut M&M's, in hopes that that would wake me up. I didn't fall asleep in class, but I wanted to! Jordan has been getting up during the night and fussing quite a bit. I suspect teething, but he's also been very clingy to me since his ER visit Saturday night (more on that later.) I understand that and I'll hold him and even let him sleep with me, but it doesn't make for a very restful night. I had to be to the orthodontist at 9AM this morning for them to torture my teeth. I tried to read my psychology book there and was also falling asleep! So while I'm finding the subject of psychology very interesting, today it just wasn't interesting enough to keep me awake!

Girl Scouts

Jewel is a girl scout! She's been attending every week this summer, and was doing it during the school year too. It's a small troop, and the girls of all ages are together. It's so much fun for her. I know both of the leaders very well, and I like them a lot. Today she says they were studying careers, and sold punch on the corner of the block. She told me, "There weren't very many customers."

So what are we doing?

As in, Chris and I? Between chasing Jordan, answering Jewel's mountain of questions (or trying to) and trying to convince Nathan he doesn't need to acquire every car ever made? Quite a bit, actually. Chris has been working, of course, and when he's home, he's been remodeling the basement. Or building, actually. There wasn't a lot to remodel! He did have to tear off the paneling that existed on the walls down there, (sooo gross) and re-wired the electrical, put up new walls, mudded and painted it. I'm so grateful that not only does he know how to do all of this, he actually likes it! He put in a new window and door as well. We're waiting on the carpet to be delivered, and then he will put tile down there as well--he's making sort of a mini-bar, with a little fridge for some soda, and a microwave for the snacks (we got a new one to go over the stove when we moved here, so the one downstairs will be the one we got when we were married--why not, right?) H...

Okay, some pics . . .

Okay, I'm still really trying to figure all this out, so if it looks crazy, please forgive me! Nathan had his birthday on June 2nd, and I just can't believe he's 4 already! I remember thinking the ten days I spent in the hospital before he was born would never end, and here we are years later! He is such an adorable little boy, and we call him our little sugar bean. He is the only one of our children that doesn't look exactly like Chris! lol he very much resembles my brothers. He comes up with so many interesting and funny little things that completely crack me up. He loves Lightning McQueen and Cars. The thing I notice him doing most lately is commenting to me, "Mom, I love my new car." "Mom, I love having a balloon." "Mom, I like to go to the park." (right after we've left said park.) He is very aware of the little things that bring him extra joy, and he makes sure to express it often. Jewel's birthday was Sunday, the 22nd, so w...

Why not jump on the blogging train?

It seems as though everyone is blogging these days, and I'm still way behind. Not that I don't have excuses. There's kids, husband, extended family, school, church and more. But I honestly feel behind in letting people know how we're doing, and all the new things my crazy kids (and husband!) come up with. So while procrastination seems to be my greatest talent, and I can't guarantee this will always be completely up to date, I will certainly try. Oh and if you would, leave me an occasional comment, so I know I'm not just talking to cyber -space. :-)